There are alot of ways to travel in UtopiaVR. Unlike other metaverses UtopiaVR links all worlds aka land sections together even the Utopian made worlds. We have created our own GPS system for you UtopiaVR. All land sections (aka what others call worlds, or zone or scenes) are linked from Infinite city starting at the Infinite tower in the center of utopiaverse.
section zero of space is where Infinite City is at. Around Infinite City is the sectors of space each with its own name and link to each other. Utopians create new universes in those sectors and then create worlds in those Universes and connect up to nine land sections. You will be able to travel from one land section (worlds) to another and visit everywhere.
We can of course travel like other metaverses as well searching by name of creator, types, featuered and popular worlds.
In UtopiaVR, there are two ways of world building 3D party apps and unity uploader and in app building with our, yours, and other Utopians 3D objects, materials, textures, etc. Click here for more information. Your not just single zones or worlds now. You create a universe, then a world and then add plots of land aka what most other metaverses call worlds.
We want to give you the tools to create what every you dream off, please visit Coming soon adding games to your creations